Before Durov’s arrest, Telegram was gaining about half a million new users every day.

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Before Durov’s arrest, Telegram was gaining about half a million new users every day.

According to a study by Finbold, the messaging platform Telegram experienced significant growth in 2024, attracting more than 485,000 new daily active users between April and the end of June. This event occurred before the arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder and CEO, by the French police. Telegram grew from 900 million users in April 2024 to 950 million in June 2024. This platform is most popular in the global South. About 45% of Indians, 38% in Brazil, and 34% in Mexico use Telegram. On the other hand, this messenger is less used in Western countries. For example, only 9% of Americans and 1% of Japanese use Telegram. This statistic could be due to Durov’s Russian nationality and the close ties of some of these countries with Russia through the BRICS alliance.

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