REDO token up 140% after Pavel Durov’s arrest

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REDO token up 140% after Pavel Durov’s arrest

After the news of the arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO and creator of the social network and messenger Telegram in France, the digital currency community, many digital currency projects on the TON network platform, and Telegram users announced the image of the digital currency project Resistance Dogs. Dog), their support for Pavel Durov. This token with the trading symbol REDO, known as the digital resistance coin, originally created to symbolize Pavel Durov’s defiance of the Russian government’s ban on Telegram, has now become a symbol of Durov’s collective support against the French government. Due to these conditions, the price of the REDO token increased by more than 140% in the day after Pavel Durov’s arrest, and despite the slight price correction over the last two days, its weekly performance is still 80%. Growth of this token.

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